Football Hooliganism Essay

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The article I have chosen looks at different theorists’ ideas on what the main causes of football hooliganism are. Football Hooliganism can be identified usually by the violence and interaction of football fans according to Pearson, G. (University of Liverpool FIG Factsheet) Different theories are based on beliefs that football violence emerges from a number of factors, a few examples of these factors are, identity, legitimacy and power. The main topic of the article is the causes of football hooliganism across the world, reasoning behind research into this area has been due to the production of serious injuries and fatalities, and the vandalism and damage to places and buildings, both inside and outside football stadiums. In reference to football violence, it is believed that a mixture of physical issues, sociological issues, and psychological issues result in hooliganism. Hooliganism is an international problem, in modern day football, and if the main reasons behind its happenings can be found out, and prevented then ideally actions could be put in place to prevent hooliganism and prevent any more injuries or fatalities. The article also has extracts of answers from interviewees who have witnessed or been affiliated with the groups of people who participate in hooliganism. The article also contains focus groups of fans from five different English clubs who perform diversely in domestic and European competition; each club had 20 fans representing the clubs. The aim of the article is to identify the main causes of football hooliganism in order to construct a strategy to combat the ongoing problem it presents. The objective within the article is to carry out research in the form of interviews of those affiliated with football violence and gather information based on their answers to come to a conclusion on the causes of the phenomenon that is football hooliganism.

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