Focus Task Observing Good Practice

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Focus Task 1 – Observing Good Practice (1500 Words) Q7(a) Independent Research Observations of Colleagues Discussions with SBT/target objectives Reflection Areas for further development Read prompts Observe 4 different teachers with contrasting styles Discuss with SBT Introduction Focus of Observations Variation in styles Things that worked well Things that didn’t work well Conclusion Identify strategies and skills you would like to develop yourself Prompt List 1 - School Aims and Organisation In discussion with the school-based trainer, member of the senior management team, and/or other school staff, gather information and develop your understanding of the following: | |Reference to Standards| |The ethos and aims of the school |Q3(b) | | | | | | | |Management of the school, including the role and purpose of the governing body |Q3(b) | | | | | | | |The range of professional duties undertaken by teachers, and distribution of roles and responsibilities | | |
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