Compare and Contrast One of the National Professional Standards for Teachers, for a Graduate and Lead Teacher, and Discuss How You Might Demonstrate Achievement of This Standard to a Professional Panel

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------------------------------------------------- Compare and contrast one of the National Professional Standards for Teachers, for a graduate and lead teacher, and discuss how you might demonstrate achievement of this standard to a professional panel. This essay examines AITSL standard four: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments and interprets the five focus areas that underwrite it. In comparing the focus areas for a graduate and lead teacher, the essay discusses how a teacher at both career stages could demonstrate achievement in each area and how they may present themselves in an actual school environment. Standard four recognises that in order for students to be effective learners they must be engaged, feel valued, safe and confident in the knowledge that they are being treated fairly. The five focus areas within the standard contribute to these notions: 4.1 Support student participation, 4.2 Manage classroom activities, 4.3 Manage challenging behaviour, 4.4 Manage student safety and 4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically. Standard four falls within the domain of professional practice, which advocates that the creation of an effective learning environment is influenced by the cycle of planning, classroom management and feedback. The language contained in standard four suggests that the work of a graduate teacher is carried out at the ‘micro’ level, demonstrating and applying knowledge in the classroom whereas the lead teacher also operates at the ‘macro’ or organisational level. While the graduate teacher adheres to the accepted practices of the school framework in order to support positive learning within the classroom, the lead teacher’s sphere of influence is wider; with possible involvement in reviewing the framework itself for better student outcomes across the school. ‘We remember 50% of what we

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