Effective Feedback For Students

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Effective Feedback for Students Vickie Brown Final Paper Classroom Assessment July 17, 2010 “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” --William Arthur Ward What is feedback? Is it guidance, evaluation, or praise? For this paper, the definition of feedback comes from Wiggins (2005), where feedback is useful information about what happened in light of a specific goal, or “information about what and was not accomplished, given a specific goal.” This paper will discuss how feedback can be used most effectively in its implementation. Excellence is attained by the cycle of model-practice-perform-feedback-perform, and (according to the Academic Leadership Online Journal, 2007) research has “found that when teachers effectively employ feedback procedures, they positively and often powerfully impact the achievement of their students.” The journal article goes on to note, “Academic feedback is more strongly and consistently related to achievement than any other teaching behavior…This relationship is consistent regardless of grade, socioeconomic status, race, or school setting…When feedback and corrective procedures are used, most students can attain the same level of achievement as the top 20% of students.” Feedback is an important component of the formative assessment process. Brookhart (2008), describes the power of formative feedback as a “double-barreled approach” (pg. 2). Meaning, it addresses both cognitive and motivational factors at the same time. Brookhart goes on to states that “good feedback should be part of a classroom assessment environment in which students see constructive criticism as a good thing and understand that learning cannot occur without practice” (pg. 2). As part of the formative assessment, feedback should have the following

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