Fitchburg State University Experience Essay

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I remember coming to Fitchburg State University for the first time and listening to President say, “Fitchburg State University is the number one state institution in Massachusetts.” After that day this automatically I put Fitchburg State as my number one school. Unfortunately, I did not get in right away so I had to attend another college before attending here. I worked extremely hard because I knew there was something about Fitchburg state that I had to experience. The day I got accepted was one of the best days of my life. Little did I know but Fitchburg State had a lot more to offer me then I ever expected. Since the first day I stepped onto this campus the staff was so inviting. I opened up immediately when I came on campus I got involved in Greek life. Greek life on this…show more content…
The office of student development is supportive, caring, and full of energy. Because of them I have decided to go into the field of Student Affairs. The office of student development has an extremely unique staff that I would have no idea what I would do without any of them. The first person I met in student development was frank, he automatically become a role model to me. frank is the one who helped me decide to get involved into the school because of how supportive he was. When I joined Greek life frank told us that we are just like his own kids and I laughed, but that was such an understatement. Shane is always there for us no matter what, he can be a stickler for the rules and may push us but it made us better in the end. Shane has always been there for support he is like my second dad away from home. The next person that helped me wasjoe, I met joe when I joined FAB, and he is extremely supportive and also pushes us to do better. joe always has his door open for any student concerns or questions and for that I greatly appreciate

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