Feudalism Systems of Japan and England

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Feudalism Systems of Japan and England How did the feudalism systems of Japan and England differ and compare to each other in organization, religious justifications, and consequences? Thesis: The feudal systems of Japan and England strongly contrasted in the religious justification which organized behavior Summary: The English and Japanese feudal systems are similar in that they both gave grants of land for military service, and the social ladders were similar. After that point, they differ. In the English feudal system, to get grants of land one must swear an oath of fealty to one's lord, but in the Japanese system that was not required. The military classes for both feudal systems lived by a code of honor yet with different goals. They had different monetary gains, and the armor they wore was different. Japanese peasants (shiki) had a little more freedom than the English peasants (serfs) because they could own land. Both warrior classes were inspired to fight by religion but differently, the knights for God’s glory and the Samurai for their own. Main Body: What does the word feudalism mean? In a broad definition, feudalism is "a system by which the holding of estates in land is made dependent upon an obligation to render military service to the king or feudal superior." Both Japanese and English feudal systems were based on the imperative need for a constantly trained and well equipped military, and a method of repayment for these military services. Generally speaking, the feudal superior would provide protection, possibly food, and tenure of land to his subordinates, in return for military services or agricultural remuneration. Contrary to their English counterparts, Japanese lords did not require an oath of fealty from their vassals in return for fiefdoms. Because of not swearing an oath of fealty, Japanese vassals were far less hindered and controlled by
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