Family Structures And Jealousy

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Family Structures and Jealousy Our text list nine different types of families which are Nuclear Family, Extended Family, Composite Family, Tribal Family, Consensual Family (cohabitation), Commune, Single-parent Family, Concubine, and Reconstituted (blended). I have selected the Reconstituted (blended) Family and Single-parent Family as the two Family Structures to discuss how jealousy could disrupt them. Jealousy is defined as the state of being resentfully suspicious of a loved one’s behavior toward a suspected rival. It is characterized by a sense of feeling loneliness, betrayed, afraid, uncertain, and suspicious and relates more to an individual’s own feelings and confidence than necessarily to another’s actions. A Single-parent Family has the composition of a mother and child or father and child (which is less common). The functions of this family structure are the same as a monogamy type of marriage which is procreative, affectional, and economic consumption only without a legally recognized reproductive function (text. 35). Jealousy can disrupt this type of family I think in primarily two ways which are due to the primary parent being involved with someone new such as in a new romantic relationship and difficulties (such as economical) experienced in a single-parent family as opposed to other family structures. When you are a single-parent whether it is a result of a divorce or a death of a spouse and you start dating again there always seems to be issues of jealousy with the child/children. The introduction of another person in the parent’s life can bring about feelings of insecurity, fear, and resentfulness which are natural but can be disruptive without appropriate reassurance and resolution. Another issue that can cause jealousy is the parent being gone spending more time working due to economical factors than at home. This I think is
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