Dysfunctions of Family

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The family has often been regarded as the cornerstone of society. In post -industrialized societies, family has been seen as the most basic unit of social organisation and one which carries out vital tasks such as socializing children. A particular type of family ,the nuclear family ,was seen well adapted to the demands of pre-modern and modern societies. The nuclear family is based around two generation of house-hold parents and their depending children. Murdock claimed this type of family to be universal. Some theorists, such as Edmund leach, R.D.Laing, David Cooper,Bell & Vogel and also some feminists,argued and agreed on the family being dysfunctional. Each one of them adopted a critical perspective on what family life and its members can bring about. Let's start off with Leach (1967 A runaway world ) who believed that family life can be destructive to its members. This is mainly because of the decline of extended families which isolated the nuclear family. Leach argued on the fact that households and families became isolated and separated from the community and from wider kin,with family members spending more time together in home-centred activities. But why does Leach believe the family is dysfunctional , when the family members are actually spending more time together therefore supposedly be more united? Leach believed that by the isolation from its kin and community there Is an overload of pressure. this overload might be caused by the fact that family members heading back home after a stressful day at work or school,were it is expected a lot from them, will eventually release their frustration. Members of the family expect too much from one another ,thus causing more tension and stress in the family. Leach describes the family as a 'cereal packet family' . He argues the cereal packet family is an ideology because it created a distorted image of what
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