A Case Study Part2 Unit 2 Health And Social Care

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SOCIOLOGY CASE STUDY OUTCOME 1 PART2 When looking at the impact of the family upon child A from a functionalist perspective where all the parts of the machine/body need to work for it to run smoothly then it is blatantly clear that there are many parts of this particular family have not been working the way they should. Firstly if you start with the absence of any father then this leaves child A without one of the primary care givers and the role that he would’ve filled. This rejection from the father has caused a massive blow to child A’s self-esteem and has left feelings of low self worth, anger and confusion. The absence of the father also meant there was no positive male role model for child A and this may be at…show more content…
Due to her domineering presence this meant that any chance that child A’s mother had of being able to fulfil her role as the primary carer was undermined and must have caused great stress and tension within the family unit. This is picked up on by the child who will often display negative behaviour just before a home visit in the hope that care staff will cancel it. This would remove the burden of saying she doesn’t want to go herself which she feels would be like rejecting her family. This finally leads me to the grandfather who would have been the only male to have been involved in child A’s development but he appears to have taken a very minor role and chose to stay in the background letting his domineering wife pull the family strings. This meant again that child A had no dominant male role model in her life and reinforced the grandmother’s matriarchal role. To conclude, it can be clearly seen that from a functionalist stand point child A has come from a very dysfunctional family and that her personality has been greatly affected through a lack of emotional security and her primary care givers not fulfilling their appropriate social
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