Fairness Doctrine Essay

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Essay Paper # 1 Pros and Con of the Fairness Doctrine The Fairness Doctrine was first introduced to the United States in 1949. It involves radio and television broadcasters. The doctrine does not apply to newspapers. The Fairness Doctrine states that there are responsibilities which these broadcasters must sustain to the public so that the information that the viewers and the public receives is fair and balance. In addition, it is a measure of responsibility and accountability for the freedom of press that is able to give counterarguments and provide a space for counterarguments regarding issues that are controversial and require a public debate so that the viewing and listening public can get a full knowledge of the issues being presented on both sides. It has always been a key rule of journalism (1), but the success is less clear, and the Fairness Doctrine has many pros and cons to this rule, and that is something that should be touched on. Another issue that will be talked about is if the Fairness Doctrine should be reintroduced or if it’s a good thing that this law doesn’t exists to the United States anymore. When the question came about to discuss the pros and con of the fairness doctrine I feel as though there was plenty of answers for this issue since I can oppose to both. I want to start off with discussing some pro arguments about the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine is reasonable because airwaves are a public good and belong to the people through their government. If there were a free for all, allowing anyone to broadcast on any frequency they choose, then signals would interfere with each other and prevent police, emergency and military communications from operating effectively. Radio and television frequencies are therefore not owned by broadcasting companies but only licensed to them by the state (2). Given that many more people would like

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