Facebook May Be Making You Sad Rhetorical Analysis

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AP English 12 9 October 2013 Post Here: Careful, It Cannot be Taken Back It is Friday morning at Jimmy’s house, and his parents just informed him that they will be going away for the weekend. Jimmy goes to school and tells his friends that he is having a party at his house at 8:00 that night. His friends tell him to invite girls, so Jimmy posts a public tweet on Twitter. It reads, “Party at my house at 8, parents gone, and I can’t wait to get high tonight. P.S. I wonder what a hangover feels like.” Jimmy goes on with the party and his life. As the school year comes to a close, Jimmy is applying to several colleges. He has the grades, SAT scores, and community service hours to get into Columbia University, a top rated college in the nation.…show more content…
Social media helps teens advance socially in the world, but it seems a side effect of social media is depression. Lara Devgan, a plastic surgeon in New York City and writer of ABC news, writes in her article, “Facebook May Be Making You Sad,” that a study from the University of Michigan shows that the more people use Facebook, the more unhappy they become. The study showed that users of social media sites were dissatisfied with their lives after they got off their social media site. People may get more friends on social media sites, but the more they see their friend’s lives, the more they are unhappy with their own lives. This is just a natural human action. Humans always want more things, and they are never satisfied. The warning signs of depression on a social media site are “social isolation, obsession, academic performance change, physical appearance/health decline, or significant mood change over a period of time” (Stenzel 111-112). The studies and figures show that social media sites cause depression which sometimes causes suicide. Suicide is becoming more and more frequent in teens in the world, and social media has a part in that growing number of
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