Eye And Hand Dominance

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Hand dominance is someone’s preference to use one hand more than the other hand. The hand that is used more often is not necessarily the stronger hand but tends to be the more coordinated hand. Many times the dominant hand is described as the worker hand while the recessive hand is called the helper hand. The helper hand assists the worker hand during tasks by holding or stabilizing the object while the worker hand works it. Hand dominance is influenced by genetics. The stages of hand development are as follows: 1-3 months: child becomes aware of both hands visually and tactilely 3-6 months: child reaches out with both hands to get an object 5-10 months: child transfers toy from one hand to another 10-18 months: child hold object with one hand and manipulates it with the other 18-36 months: child uses both hands to manipulate but for different activities. Finding out hand dominance is important because it is important to establish a stable hand dominance to complete higher level bilateral hand tasks. Bilateral coordination is the ability to direct movements of both sides of your body correctly and easily. All activities performed by the body require some level of both sides of the body working together. Bilateral coordination skills begin to appear in early babyhood. Moving both hands and both legs together like this is called symmetrical movement. Hand dominance is the wonder that occurs when one hand is used more over the other for motor skills task. The world’s population is 85 to 90 percent right handed. Some people are ambidextrous, which means they have the ability to handle fine motor skills tasks equally as well with either hand. There has been no conclusion made but hand dominance has not been completely researched. The most common theories that explain hand dominance is that the left side of the brain controls much of the communications functioning and it
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