Tda 2.1 Children and Young Person Development

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Child and young persons development. 1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years. Main areas of child development; * Physical * Intellectual * Language * Emotional * Social The development of children and young people Is continuous and even though all children will develop at different speeds, most will development in a similar order, for example walking, before running and jumping. For example, my first son, Patrick, only started walking at 14 months, whereas my second son, Dominic, started walking at 9 months. By the time Dominic was 14 months old, he could climb everything! The following text is taken from Development is often referred to on a timeline and is broken down in ages. As development is more rapid in early years the milestones start by being quite close together before becoming further apart as baby becomes a child and then a young adult. The aspects of development that children are measured on are physical, language, social and emotional, and intellect. Physical development is usually very rapid early on in the child’s development. Within weeks of being born a baby will start to smile and respond to sounds and environments around them. By 6 months as their muscles begin to develop they will reach for and hold objects which they will also put into their mouths. By one year old they are beginning to crawl or shuffle, pulling or pushing on furniture to stand and then cruise using furniture or adult for support. Sitting has progressed to unaided and they are rolling from their front to their back. They are beginning to be inquisitive with objects, passing them between hands, handling them in different ways and looking for things that are hiding. Their hand to eye co-ordination improves as items are passed from hand to hand. Their
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