Explain When and How to Refer Other Adults

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3.5 In my workplace we may need to refer parents or carers to other professionals for many different reasons/situations. Because we have built up a relationship with the parent it is most likely that they will come to us for advice or support. We must always maintain professionalism when dealing with these situations. Some of the reasons we make a referral include, • Behaviour problems, this could possibly be to a service called CAMS or positive behaviour team who will both provide support for school and parents • Health needs, many of the children who attend our school have many other needs so we may make referrals to medical professionals including school nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists etc. • Dietary needs, as I mentioned above many of the children have other needs some struggle to gain weight or have special diets because of their conditions if parents need advice or help with this we may need to make a referral to a dietician. Sometimes parents may come to us if they want to discuss progress that there child has made. If they have noticed a change in them at home they may wish to come in and discuss it with the class staff. In this case we could arrange a meeting with class staff and parents and may not need to make a referral at all or until we have discussed the problem first. If the issues discussed were not solved at the team meeting we may need to make a referral. For example if parents came into talk about their child’s behaviour and they feel that it is getting worse and they are having problems at home. Then at the meeting it is discovered that school are experiencing the similar issues. Then it will need to be discussed and decided what the next step is, senior management should be involved in this. They may have other knowledge about what referrals to make or suggestions such as behaviour plans or strategies. Also if a
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