Explain What Is Meant by the Term Compensatory Education

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Explain what is meant by the term compensatory education Compensatory education are government educational policies such as operation head start in the USA that seek to tackle the problem of under achievement by providing extra support and funding to schools and families in deprived areas. Suggest three material factors that might cause working class educational under achievement. Poor housing can affect pupils underachievement for example overcrowding can have a direct effect making it hard for them to study as there is nowhere to do the homework or disturbed sleep from sharing bedrooms. Diet and health can affect pupils under achievement as Marilyn Howard 2001 notes that young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals. Poor nutrition affects health which will lower children’s energy levels. This may result in more absences from school due to illness and concentrating in class. Lack of financial support can affect pupil’s underachievement as they may not be able to afford the right equipment and miss out on experiences which would enhance their educational achievement. Outline some of the reasons why different pupil’s subcultures exist in schools. One reason why different pupil subcultures exist in schools is a result of negative labelling. Becker (1971) interviewed 60 Chicago high school teachers asking them to explain their view of an ideal student. He found that the teachers emphasised characteristics such as conduct and language before they got to ability. Becker concluded that it was much easier for middle class students to meet this ideal since they are better dressed and spoken than their working class counterparts. Thus, working class children are not going to be perceived as academic which will impact the opportunities available to them in school. Paul Willis (1977) found that working class boys form sub cultures as
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