Impact On Services Provision

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Explain the potential impact on services provision of different theories and approaches. 1.2 I feel that in our service we use a bit of all the theories and approaches. We contribute to bring up the children and young persons within our care through our holistic and person centred approach. The Children’s Act 1989 is adhered to and after taking into consideration any courts decisions we work closely with the Local authority and parents. The children have their input and their wishes are taken into consideration before any decisions are made with regards to their care. We work with outside agencies like CAHMS and Kids inspire and the doctors. After assessments are made by myself and any outside agency we then decide what course we will…show more content…
Since the introduction of the Children’s act 1989 the Uks policy for looked after children has concentrated on the stability and quality of the placements offered to them, and improving educational and health and other outcomes to improve their life chances. Priority areas that will be looked at are Attachments outcomes: Children entering the care system may have been abused or neglected they may have witnessed domestic violence, substance misuse, poverty, loss of a parent or inadequate parenting. They may display challenging and aggressive behaviour either before being taken into care or as a result of being taken into…show more content…
As getting it wrong can lead to multiple placements and this will be detrimental to the child. Placements can break down for lots of different reasons ie. Bad behaviour and aggression, contact issues with family, rivalry between foster siblings. Some theorists have identified that children who experience stable placements that provide good quality care are more likely to succeed in education and be in work and settle into and manage their accommodation after leaving care. They will also feel better about themselves and achieve social interaction in adulthood. This is not the case for the children that have had lots of disruption during their time in

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