Explain the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social Development of a Chosen Individual for Each of the Life Stages from Conception to Death

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Samuel L Jackson Conception During conception Samuel was developing well physically and there was no difficulties during the pregnancy or during the birth. He was fully developed and was a healthy baby. Infancy Although his brain is not yet fully developed he could tell the difference in tastes, smell and touch. His father had moved away during his infancy stage. His dad was an alcoholic who died of alcoholism when Samuel was young leaving his mother and grandparents to raise him. While his dad was alive he only seen him twice meaning he never really had a father figure apart from his granddad. Samuel was at the right stages of development. He was capable of walking and was saying a few words along with some babble. He made of had some emotional trouble as his never had a father. Childhood His mother had high hopes from him and wanted him to become a doctor or a lawyer so his mother and grandparents where pushing him to improve his education by reading a lot. This meant Samuel was now intellectually developing at a higher level then he should be at his age. His social skills were also good as he went to several segregated schools meaning he was meeting many people but he never really spoke to anyone who did not attended the segregated schools meaning he may have a struggle learning to talk to them. He was at the right level for physical development. He could play many instruments including the French horn. Emotionally he was stable but did question where his dad was meaning that he wanted to know his father and have some emotional connection with him this could have had an impact on his life. Samuel also had a terrible stammer. Meaning his speech had not developed how it should of which caused him distress and emotional hurt him due to bullying which meant he was learning about different emotions and how they feel. Adolescence During his teenage life

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