Explain How Different Types Of Abuse

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ABUSE Tutor: Salma Hussain Student: Pratiksha Rai Tutor: Salma Hussain Student: Pratiksha Rai There are many types of abuse which can affect young people and children. Some examples are; physical abuse, this is when you are physically harmed or injured by another person, for example; biting punching, hitting and pinching. Emotional abuse, it’s when your ‘self-worth’ or ‘self-dignity’ is affected because of other person’s behaviour or action, for example; name-calling, swearing and screaming. Sexual abuse, it’s when you are sexually assaulted or harassed by another person, for example; rape and inappropriate touching. Discriminatory abuse, this is when you are discriminated by other people based on your gender, race, culture, religion, etc. for example; racial discrimination and age discrimination. And, neglect, this is when your needs or basic necessities like, food, shelter, etc. is being ignored, for example; poor clothing, ill-health and poor nutrition. Signs and symptoms of abuse: 1. Being less social: If a child or a young person is being less social or socially inactive then it could be a sign of abuse. Children and young people who are abused are more likely to isolate themselves from other people, including their friends and teachers.…show more content…
Disability: The disabled children or young people are more vulnerable compared to others. Because of their vulnerability, the people who abuse, finds it easy to abuse them as they cannot defend themselves easily. There can be many reasons why this factor can lead to abuse. Like, a carer caring for the person who is disabled can get impatient and lash out at the person. Also, if a person (within the family or outside the family of a disabled child or young person) has inappropriate thoughts or sexual addiction, then it might lead to abuse. The disabled children could find it difficult to communicate or talk about the abuse to others and report it; which makes it even harder to spot the abuse and solve
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