Examples Of Norms In The 1950's

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I think the problems are that the norms of the 1950's were wrong and people got too involved in other people’s business. I feel that most people during the 1950’s who discriminated were ignorant as hell and didn’t understand what was really going on. I feel like people who were forced to act a way that was considered to be the right way or thing or grew up in a family that were brought up to hate people of color were the people who had the most problems and secrets that society wouldn’t even accept. During those times, people were so quick to judge someone only to distract people from their personal lives and problems. For example the scene where Frank and Cathy are arguing about her spending time with Raymond and Frank shows Cathy his strong…show more content…
This scene shows how being homosexual during the 50's, was a problem to society because it just wasn’t “right” to everyone around them. During this time it made it seem like because you were gay it made you less of a man. It was just a shame how ignorant and uneducated people were and what they thought during those times. The thoughts and reactions towards interracial relationships during those times were stupid and ridiculous. And in someone berating their boyfriend or girlfriend, people have arguments and I feel its best that others keep themselves out of relationships they aren’t involved in. No one should be in your business anyways unless you are putting it out there for everyone to listen in. Although if a relationship gets violent then someone should step in and help. However, I feel that Raymond was not berating Cathy, Frank was. The differences between the examples from the movie and the example of the berating girlfriend is that when Cathy’s best friend Elenor seen that violent behavior was happening in Cathy’s marriage, she could take that as her business because she was close to cathy and seen that Cathy had bruises on her. It showed that Elenor cared for Cathy, even though it wasn’t Elenor’s business she was concerned about Cathy’s

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