Evaluate Two Theories Which Seek to Explain the Development of Attachment. Your Evaluation Must Include Reference to the Nature-Nurture Debate. Discuss the Long-Term Impact of Early Experiences on Later Development.

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Evaluate two theories which seek to explain the development of attachment. Your evaluation must include reference to the nature-nurture debate. Discuss the long-term impact of early experiences on later development. Is our psychological behaviour a result from our genes? Or could it be because of the environment we are brought up into. The nature nurture debate is very much involved when discussing learning and evolutional attachment theories. The evolutionary approach explains behaviour as a result of nature whereas the behaviourist approach would state that infants are born with blank slates and everything is dependent on what they learn. I am going to evaluate Bowlby believed that humans are innately programmed with a mechanism for attachment. Bowlby’s theory is an evolutionary approach to attachment. These attachment behaviours are displayed to ensure the survival of the infant. It is also an instinct for the parent to make an attachment. He states that infants are born with social releasers for example crying, smiling, a cute face with big eyes and a small nose. These social releasers encourage the care giver to provide care. Bowlby suggests that the infants only need to form one special relationship; a primary attachment, it is the person who responds most sensitively to the infant’s social releasers. This primary care giver is very much involved in the infant’s emotional development. This concept is referred to as monotropy. Bowlby also believed that secondary attachments were formed but these were part of a hierarchy. Llorenz’s research on imprinting is a study that supports Bowlby. Llorenz showed that animals imprint and that it is innate. Schaffer and Emerson (1964) researched 60 infants in Glasgow. They found that all of the infants had formed a primary attachment which did support Bowlby’s claims of monotropy but on the other hand they found

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