Evaluate the Claim That Person Centred Therapy Offers the Therapist All He/She Needs to Help Their Clients

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“Evaluate the claim that Person-Centred Therapy offers the therapist all that he/she need to treats clients” We need to look at what the role of Person centred Therapy is in order to understand how the above statement can work. The basis of this therapy is to encourage the client to become more self-aware without the prompting of the therapist and being non directive. Aiding the client to arrive at this point by reflecting, paraphrasing and or summarising what they have said and displaying the three Core Conditions of Empathy, Congruence and Unconditional Positive Regard. Is this therapeutic relationship between therapist and client enough in order to assist the client to arrive at the solutions they need to address their problem? I will discuss this point and also the Core Conditions, underlying philosophical influences along with Rogers’s main theoretical constructs in this essay. Rogers was a humanistic therapist which differed greatly from other approaches at that time which were based on the psychodynamic ideas of Freud, Carl Yung, Alfred Adler and others. Person Centred Therapy is not active, challenging or involving role play such as Gestalt and REBT but is more passive and accompanies the client at the clients pace not the therapists. Person Centred Therapy aims to help the client to reach their potential by being non directive but through encouraging them to heal themselves by self-recognition and self-healing. Creating a safe and non-judgemental environment that allows the client to feel valued and free to be who they are at that moment in time. The Rogers model of therapy looks at how a person’s conditions of self-worth has been influenced negatively by life experiences early in life through lack of unconditional positive regard by parents or caregiver to a child which then impacts on their ‘conditions of worth’. They then look to

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