Evaluate China's One Child Policy

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Geography - human Chinas one child policy In 1978 China introduce the one child policy as a solution to social, economic and environmental problems, it was also introduced to stop the mass famine China was facing if its population continued to expand in the way it was. In the beginning the one child policy allowed each couple to have one child and one child only this caused 9/10 couples to be apposed to the policy. This 'only one child' caused lots of problems; one was the fact that the policy put rural farmers at a disadvantage, they needed more children to help them farm the land but having those necessary children meant playing fines or having benefit taken away from them, it was also known for electricity and water to be turned off until they aborted the baby. Not having these necessary children meant farmers could not earn a living and production of staple foods such as rice would've recused causing china to have the same problem that they faced with an increasing population - famine. This caused the government to layer revise the policy to allow rural couples to have two children with out loosing benefits. Chinas cultural preference for boys also caused big problem; when a couple, marries the woman enters her husbands family, this causes parents to want male children so they have someone to look after them in old age. This preference cause millions of baby girls to either be aborted, killed at birth or abandoned in orphanages where 9/10 children wouldn't live past their first year. Recent figures suggest that for every 100girls there are 127boys, this has lead to around 40million men being left with out a wife causing some extreme measures such as kidnapping and forced marriages to become common practice. The dramatic drop in population has also caused a mass imbalance of working age to dependant, china has an increasingly ageing population who
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