Essay On Returning To School

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Running Head: MY GOALS Returning to School Aisha Martin Eng 121 English Composition I Instructor: Kamille Stanton May 14, 2012 My Goals I never thought I would have to tell anyone about my returning to school. I never thought I would have done it. I thought I would never get my degree. You will be reading about my returning to school and why I decided to return. I have always procrastinated about returning to school. Every year I always kept telling myself that I am going to return to school but I kept putting it off. After nine years of procrastination I finally decided to make up my mind and take that bid step and just do it. I am not just returning to school for myself but for my three sons. My kids are my motivation. I want them to see that mommy is doing it so they can do it as wee in their future. When I was in elementary school I made goals. I made a lot of goals and I plan to accomplish all of them. Being that I was in elementary my short term goals was to graduate from sixth grade. My…show more content…
Now I am working on my long term goals. My long term goals as of today are finishing college and getting my degree in early childhood education and becoming a teacher. I have decided to return to school to further my education. I always wanted to be a teacher. I love helping my kids with their homework. While helping them with their homework there is a lot of things that I learn that I never knew. Even when I become a teacher there will be some things that I be learning as I teach my students. There are a lot of obstacles that I have to encounter on a day to day basis. As I am doing my schooling online there are times that I just want to quit but I know to myself that I have come this far and I refuse to turn around. Each day I have to deal with my
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