The cysts may become infected. Some patients experience backache, deep pelvic pain, and constant vaginal discharge. Salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes. If the fallopian tubes become blocked the egg will not be able to pass along or enter the fallopian tube. There is a significant increase of ectopic pregnancy.
Fistulas are abnormal connections between different parts of the intestine or another organ. The development of internal fistulas, may allow food to bypass areas of the bowel where absorption occurs. External fistulas can lead to drainage of bowel contents to the skin. Some fistulas may become infected and form abscesses, a life-threatening
This results in inflammation causing swelling, increased blood flow, and ulcerations. In Crohn’s disease, these ulcerations go into the full thickness of the intestinal lining. This may lead to a narrowing of the bowel, which can lead to partial or total blockage of the intestinal flow, called bowel obstruction. Symptoms of intestinal obstruction include cramping around the mid-abdomen, frequently associated with vomiting. The abdomen may also become bloated and distended.
Older children and adolescent have a more developed omentum, which walls off the inflamed or perforated appendix, often causing a focal abscess. • significant abdominal pain, especially around the bellybutton or in the lower right part of the abdomen (perhaps coming and going and then becoming consistent and sharp) • low-grade fever • loss of appetite • nausea and vomiting • diarrhea (especially small amounts, with mucus) • swollen or bloated abdomen, especially in infants The symptoms of appendicitis can vary according to a child's age. In kids 2 years old or younger, the most common symptoms are vomiting and a bloated or swollen abdomen, accompanied by pain. Laboratory and diagnostic test: • Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan: performed to visualize the appendix for further evaluation • Laboratory testing: may reveal an elevated white blood cell count • C reactive protein: may be elevated If appendicitis goes untreated, the inflamed appendix can burst 24 to 72 hours after the symptoms begin. 2.
Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis both have pain associated with the diseases. These pains can be muscle twitching, muscle weakness, severe weakness in an arm or leg or both. More common pain could be tingling, crawling, or burning feeling in the arms or legs. All of these lead to muscle pain which makes it very difficult to do the daily activities. A person who has these diseases could be embarrassed by symptoms such as constipation, stool leakage and urine leakage.
In infants, complications that may occur are risks of developing heart failure, pulmonary artery hypertension, or infective endocarditis, which is an infection of the inner lining of the heart. As for treatment, there are many different kinds. A transcatheter device closure is a procedure that uses a thin, hollow tube. Sometimes, a PDA may close on its own.
hCG effects the hormone LH (Luteinizing hormone) and the target tissue is the ovaries in women and testis in men. Symptoms of hCG include morning sickness, Hyperthyroidism, and Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. Raised hGC levels can cause multiple fetuses, Hydatidiform Mole, and Choriocarcinoma. You can receive hCG injections or orally to correct you hCG level. Cushing’s disease is a condition where the pituitary gland releases too much adrenocorticotropic (ACTH).
Pregnant women are more likely to have complications because sickle cell anemia affects so many body systems. Some of the more life threatening complications are stroke, pulmonary hypertension, acute chest syndrome, and organ damage. A stroke can happen due to the sickle cells blocking the flow of blood to the brain which can lead to a seizure, slurred speech, loss of consciousness, and numb or weak legs and arms (Ernzen 1997). Acute chest syndrome can also be caused by the blocking of blood vessels in the lungs and make it very difficult for the pregnant women to breath which can prevent the baby from being properly
I explain pointing to the inside of the uterus that "endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial cells that normally line the uterus are seeded throughout her pelvis" (Monahan, Sands, & Neighbors, 2007, p.1692). I continue to explain "that with each menstrual period the seeded cells are stimulated by ovarian hormones and bleed into the surrounding tissues, causing an inflammatory response. The encased blood may lead to palpable masses known as chocolate cysts" (Monahan, Sands, & Neighbors, 2007, p.1692). I can tell she looks a little confused so I try to think of a way to explain what I mean. I give her the analogy of when you have a pimple and it pops and how it explodes, well this is what the endometriosis does, but when it explodes it attaches itself to other parts of your anatomy, and can form on any part of your anatomy not just your uterus.
It is caused by the sudden fall in hormone levels (particularly of estrogen and progesterone) that occurs after a baby is born (WEBMED). The syndrome can lead a mother to experience postpartum depression, and most extreme postpartum psychosis. Women who experience postpartum blues may never experience the associated depression or psychosis. Postpartum blues can occur to certain women that have had depression before. Postpartum blue symptoms include feeling of isolated and inadequate and concerns for the responsibility that they are going to have.