Pediatric Simulation Essay

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Pediatric simulation 1. Describe the clinical manifestations of appendicitis with their underlying pathophysiology and associated lab findings. Include information about the typical timeframe for progression of symptoms. Pathophysiology of appendicitis: Is due to a closed loop obstruction of the appendix. It is thought that the obstruction is due to fecal material impacted into the relatively narrow appendix, though other causes such as ingested foreign bodies may exist. This causes a subsequent increase in the intraluminal pressure of the appendix, resulting in mucosal edema, bacterial overgrowth, and eventual perforation. Due to the fecal material in the appendix, perforation causes inflammatory fluid and bacterial contents to leak into the abdominal cavity, resulting in peritonitis. Diffuse peritonitis is more likely in young children. Older children and adolescent have a more developed omentum, which walls off the inflamed or perforated appendix, often causing a focal abscess. • significant abdominal pain, especially around the bellybutton or in the lower right part of the abdomen (perhaps coming and going and then becoming consistent and sharp) • low-grade fever • loss of appetite • nausea and vomiting • diarrhea (especially small amounts, with mucus) • swollen or bloated abdomen, especially in infants The symptoms of appendicitis can vary according to a child's age. In kids 2 years old or younger, the most common symptoms are vomiting and a bloated or swollen abdomen, accompanied by pain. Laboratory and diagnostic test: • Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan: performed to visualize the appendix for further evaluation • Laboratory testing: may reveal an elevated white blood cell count • C reactive protein: may be elevated If appendicitis goes untreated, the inflamed appendix can burst 24 to 72 hours after the symptoms begin. 2. What

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