Essay On Aboriginal Health Care

3473 Words14 Pages
Introduction Despite the progress that has been made in recent years in the quality of healthcare for the Indigenous people of Australia, there is still a considerable need for further improvements. Indigenous Australians currently endure more poor health, disability and injury than other Australians.They also die at a younger age compared with non Indigenous Australians. The socioeconomic disadvantages experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people puts them at a higher risk of exposure to behavioural and environmental health risk factors as does the higher proportion of Indigenous households that live in conditions that do not maintain good health. Many of the Indigenous people also do not have equal access to primary health care and basic medical facilities . 1. Justify the health priorities…show more content…
- Health System Delivery Framework - ensuring the response to mainstream health services is effective and focus on environments which the indigenous population live in. - A Competent Health Workforce - ongoing implementation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workforce framework, increase in education, becoming more aware of career choices and pathways. - Social and Emotional Well-being - emphasis on the social and emotional wellbeing of the indigenous population, and the delivery of mental health services. - Wider Strategies that Impact on Health - priority actions include early childhood services and programs, employment and economic development, Primary and secondary and higher education, increase in employment, improving community health and lifestyle decisions. - Resources and Finance - focus on regional planning. - Accountability - improvement of government agencies accountability, and mainstream health services and

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