Relational Practice Essay

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Doane and Varcoe state that relational nursing practice is seen “through a relational lens, always assuming and looking for how people, situations, contexts, environments, and processes are integrally connecting and shaping each other” (2008, p.51). This definition of relational practice can be applied to Health Promotion as it encompasses a holistic approach to health. The concepts of relational theory are dynamic to nursing practice as they are needed to establish a collaborative relationship between all involved resulting in better health care and health promotion.

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion states that “Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health” (World Health Organization [WHO], 1986, p. 1). The Ottawa charter describes Health promotion in a broad focus on health including education, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the importance of client’s participation to influence on his or her own care and outcome. Health Promotion in its core focuses in advocacy for health, equality of health, and participation from all those involved including the patient for achieving health and well-being. Health promotion takes a holistic approach to health and addresses health inequities to lessen negative impacts arising from determinants of health. (WHO, 1986, p. 1).

Relational Practice is being mindful of your own actions, environment, and situations. It goes beyond treating the disease and focuses on the patient as an individual with their own unique needs. Relational practice requires critical thinking about the situation at hand, we must think in a phenomenological perspective as our beliefs and values change our interpretations to the world around us when compared to others point of view (Doane & Varcoe, 2007, p. 200).

At its core Relational Practice is about building
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