Equality Diversity and Inclusion

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Promote equality and inclusion in health and social care Understand the Importance of Equality Diversity and Inclusion Task 1 Equality: A state of being equal. Equality is ensuring Individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs Including areas of race, gender, disability religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. Promoting equality should remove discrimination in all of the affirmed areas. The attitude and approach towards the provision of care for Individuals from other cultures should not vary. All Individuals are entitled to be treated on an equal basisat all times, However I need to be aware that some Individuals from varying ethnic backgrounds may have specific needs Eg: Hindu No beef, often vegetarian, No alcohol, Women often fast for 2 days per week. Rastafarian Mostly vegetarian, Pork is forbidden, food must be cooked in vegetable oil, Do Not cut or wash their hair. If an Individual likes to walk about they must be encouraged to do so in a safe manner. If a man likes to wear ladies clothes that’s his choice and we must accept and respect that. He should be treated equally to everybody else. Diversity: The presence of a wide range of variation. Acceptance, Respect, understanding each Individuals unique. Religious beliefs, race, gender, physical abilities, listening and accepting their values, understanding Individuals choice, Person centred approach. Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value peoples differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an Inclusive culture for all residents and staff. Example If a resident is still sexually active we must accept this and respect that they choose to do so in their own room and give them the privacy. If somebodies religion requires them to pray using a prayer mat 3 times per day in a quiet room we must provide an

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