Anti-Discriminatory Practice, for Staff and Patients.

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Equality is about fostering and promoting the right to be different, to be free from discrimination, and to have choice and dignity and to be valued as an individual, with the right to your own beliefs and values. Health and social care services should meet the needs of people from all backgrounds. You should not be treated less favourably than anyone else because of your beliefs or your religion or because of any other characteristics you may poses. Equal opportunity is about addressing representation and balance, but is a term used in workplaces to describe the measures taken by organisations to ensure fairness between staff and patients. It means treating people as individuals, with different skills and abilities, without making judgment based on stereotypes. It is based on fair equal, and courteous opportunities to all individuals, it should include the principle of treating people with fairness. It should also create a way of life where people of all backgrounds can feel appreciated and valued, and should be well established in health and social care services. The word diverse means “varied and different” so “diversity” is about more than equality. It is about valuing variety and individual differences and creating a culture, environment and practices which respect and value differences for the benefit of society, organisations and individuals. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. Staff that work in care settings must value diversity, and not give favourable treatment to certain groups of people at the expense of those whom they hold prejudice. Understanding equality and diversity is vital if we want to deliver person centred, safe and effective care. Delivering on equality and diversity in health and social care services means that we are tackling barriers that could prevent some groups of people from accessing
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