English Revolution Vs Vietnam War

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Vietnam War You Can Kill ten of my men for every one I kill of yours, but even at those odds, you will lose and I will win” (Lowe 10). Ho Chi Minh to the French, late 1940’s Western Civilization, as we know it today, has been shaped by the many revolutions that nations throughout the land have participated in. For better or worse, revolutions dating as far back as The English Revolution, have one way or another formed national relationships amongst each other. The outcome of each revolution, has effected the style and manor of the next revolution there after in the world. The French Revolution, opened up peoples minds to enlightenment, and World War I was the first to have battles of modern warfare. The Vietnam Revolution, also helped form…show more content…
From 1954 to 1960 the U.S. sent a few number of troops into Vietnam to help resist the Communist, but little was made of it. In 1960 John F. Kennedy became president in the U.S. and things began to turn for the nations involvement in Vietnam. Originally President Kennedy did not want to get involved with the conflict in Vietnam. Prior to his election President Kennedy said, “Should I become President, I will not risk American lives by permitting any other nation to drag us into the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time through an unwise commitment that is unwise militarily” (Duiker 55). At the time, the United States was in the midst of its own conflict with Russia, which was called the Cold War. After World War II and The Korean Conflict, the last thing U.S. citizens wanted was for the government to send troops into Vietnam. In 1961, Russia began aiding North Vietnam with supplies and finances. The revolution in Vietnam was imminent, and the American government believed it had no other choice but to help South Vietnam fight for its freedom. In 1961, after Kennedy was elected he recognized the problem. “Now we have a problem in making our power credible, and Vietnam is the place” (Nalty 76). America did not want Russia to have the ability to aid the Communist North without a defense brought by South Vietnam. It was not as much about the U.S. stopping North Vietnam per say, but rather America stopping the spread of Communism around the World. This was called by the U.S. as “The Domino Effect.” As former American President Eisenhower said, “You have a row of dominoes set up; you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is that it will go over very quickly” (Nalty 314). So in late 1961, President Kennedy sent 3,000 troops to Vietnam to aid South Vietnam, and the beginnings of American involvement in Vietnam was known to the
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