Iraq War Vs Vietnam War Analysis

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Many American citizens in 1959 viewed the Vietnam War as a righteous battle against communism, similar to the Iraq War today however now many view this war as a necessary battle against terrorism. Looking at America's overall goal in Vietnam, it is evident that we did not come close to keeping South Vietnam from collapsing, who fell to communist rule in 1975 (Frankum 210). America's involvement in the conflicts of Vietnam and Iraq were so discordant that our government, people, and military were constricted. Yet both wars were fought with the knowledge that America may change the invaded nation, which brings a precarious question; what makes the government believe that they have the right to go into a country and change it to the way they…show more content…
Both wars cost vast amounts of money and lives that affected families nation wide. In the Iraq War 4,001 U.S. troops have so far been killed and 29,320 have been seriously wounded (White) contrasting with the Vietnam War that lost 58,000 U.S. troops were killed and 304,000 seriously wounded (Vietnam). However bad those numbers may seem, looking at the U.S. government's spending in Iraq and Vietnam will make you cringe. For the Vietnam War the American government spent in total $150 billion (White) however for the Iraq War, they spent over $600 billion of U.S. tax payers funds, and President Bush has requested another $200 billion for 2008, which would bring the cumulative to a grand total of $800 billion, the average monthly spending in Iraq coming out to about $12 billion (White). The Vietnam War suffered in casualties opposed to debt in the Iraq War but both wars had and still have an extreme pull on the economy and left many in a struggle financially. As for all the veterans that survived the Vietnam War, they were left distraught with severe trauma that many could not get past. Some problems include; anxiety, depression, panic, rage, irritability, shame, guilt, and many more (Vietnam). These veterans suffered from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that left families, friends, and even doctors at a loss of how to cope with these men. More than two…show more content…
It has been argued even further to say it was time well worth spending in Iraq and Vietnam. When analyzing these points one must understand that at that point in time America was deathly scared of communism and instilled an idea in their heads that if not for entering the war at that moment, then communism would make its way around to other countries and finally reach America. However, our government made the fatal mistake of failing to look in the long run and see that America was already a strong nation and by entering a war that would not certainly end communism the government weakened every aspect of the economy. In accordance, Iraq was completely uninvolved in the terrorist attack on 9/11, the accusation of concealing “weapons of mass destruction” was completely false, and having now realized that the only weapons they did have were from a purchase from the United States to them several years
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