Efficiency and Effectiveness of Managers

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Efficiency is doing things the right way while effectiveness is doing the right things. In being efficient, you are achieving more output with lesser amount of resources. You would be trying to avoid errors or mistakes so it requires tasks to be done repeatedly. The down side to efficiency is that it hinders innovation because you would be only looking at the present state and would not try to add or remove resources so as not to disrupt the current state of efficiency. Effectiveness on the other hand, is getting things done. The end goal must be met and so different factors that may change in the future must be taken into consideration. Being effective encourages innovation and makes one more adaptable to the changing environment. The negative side to only focusing on being effective or producing the end goal is that you may be engaging in whatever means possible without thinking about the costs and other factors that may have undesirable effects in the long run. For example, the over-working of employees with minimal added benefits and pay would lead to unproductive, tired employees which would then lead to lesser output and unhappy employees. There is not one of the two concepts that is more important than the other, rather, there needs to be a balance of both for a more productive organization. The employees and leaders of an establishment needs to focus on achieving the end goal in the shortest amount of time possible with greater output and lesser resources. Managers can improve both simultaneously. In order to improve effectiveness, performance reviews for their subordinates must be made so that those who work for them are able to know of their weak points and be able to improve them. The managers must also be able to have a reward system for the employees for them to have the encouragement to do better and be able to have a sense of fulfillment.

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