Effects of Technological Advancements in Mass Digital Media

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Effects of Technological Advancements in Mass Digital Media Antonio J. Cornelius Com225 March 10,2012 Helen Vinding Nyden Effects of Technological Advancements in Mass Digital Media The role that mass media tools have played throughout history has helped to shape societal conditions. Technological developments in electronic and digital media have made things which were once inconceivable, a reality. For example, cell phones are equipped with Internet connection, cameras, and other gadgets which were once sold as separate devices. Many individuals don’t wear watches anymore because cell phones serve as their watch. Society has grown dependent on technology and this paper will analyze some of the strengths and weaknesses of relying on technological trends. Contemporary media has affected society in measurable ways that may have negative impacts that are equal to its positive impacts. The world was a much different place before television and the internet were invented. Children once played outside with other children in their neighborhood. Now children rather stay inside and play video games with children from other nations. Family’s once had face to face dialogue over dinner every day. Now family members send text messages to each other from the next room over. Libraries were once considered the ideal place to conduct research. Now search engines allow all information to be accessed at the push of a button. The world has changed significantly. In 1826 Joseph Niepce discovered a technology that allowed images to be captured on light sensitive material, which marked the birth of photography. The phonograph, the first audio playback machine and the audio recorder were invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison. Long distance communication was made possible by the telegraph which was invented by Samuel Morse in 1844. Chemical and electronic technologies have advanced
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