Essay On The Effects Of Online Education On Students

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Today there is an increasing amount of students enrolling in online schools and online courses than ever before. More than 6 million students nearly a third total enrollment at degree granting postsecondary institutions was taking at least one online course in 2010. The purpose of this essay is to explain some of the effects that online education has on students and causing them to lean toward online courses, which include the ability to save money, the convenience online education offers and the technical knowledge they receive from online courses. The first effect online education has on students is the ability to save money. For example childcare expenses range from $50 to $225 a week for school age children and a higher cost for infants and preschooler’s. That’s a savings of $200 to over $800 a month. Beside childcare, transportation cost is no longer a factor, with online courses students will not have to find parking spaces and pay for parking…show more content…
The student is able to plan their study time around there day, whether it’s after sending the kids off to school, before going to work, or after work, you have the luxury of logging in anytime. Another effect is learning at your own pace. The student has the option of studying 5 to 20 hours a week, or getting your 2 to 4 year degree in as little as 6 months to a year. With this great option students aren’t as stressed because it allows them to learn when it’s convenient. Most important is free time, since all classes are online students don’t have to leave home to attend, which offers more family time, personal time, and not having to leave work early to attend a class. Students can also work on and complete quizzes, test, and homework assignments at their leisure as long as they have met all requirements at the end of the

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