Can You Be Educated From Distance By James Barszcz

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Critical Thinking What is critical thinking? How do we use critical thinking in everyday lives? There are many different levels of thinking and sometimes we really do not have to think much about them. Our everyday processes like breathing, walking, etc. don’t require thinking. Some things require more thoughts than other like what to wear for a particular occasion, deciding what to eat. Some levels are higher than others and these levels include critical thinking abilities. Critical thinking is more of a skill than a process, because it requires great deal of knowledge and expertise on particular task or assignment. In this essay “Can You Be Educated from Distance,” By James Barszcz, discusses about distance learning is becoming increasingly…show more content…
Students taking online classes are free to express their opinion on message thread which allows other students to comment also and keep conversation going. Through distance learning students who are shy and not open to conversation can easily express and help them become more comfortable. “Generally speaking face to face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether” (Barszcz 151). Distance learning can go both ways, if a student prefers to attend campus and have face to face contact it’s totally up to them, but for those students who are independent and are working full-time distance learning is the only option for them to advance in their career. For students who are living on their own with expense such as rent and bills, distance learning make their lives easy and can be managed with full-time job. Many employers will pay tuition reimbursement either yearly with set amount or if employed with large company might be full payment. In distance learning also there are courses which offers one of the best opportunities to enhance one's analytical, critical and interpretive abilities, as well as one's ability to express one clearly and to formulate and respond to arguments in speech and writing. Barszcz’s also explain a good example about critically thinking and taking the wright choice of distance
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