Education 607 Course Reflection

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EDU 607: Course Reflection Your name Your Instructor's name Course Id: Your Institution’s name Date: This course has enabled me to become generator of new and advanced learning through state of the art class room based inquiry as well as research. It learned me about current policies and history of all those researches that are conducted with responsibility in the context of learning. I could analyzed the methodology of research studies given in classroom and learned how to better practice of a data collection technique. During the research I selected a problem, analyzed and collects sample data, and then designed a pilot study plan on the basis of findings as a result. One of my favorite thing about this course were the findings of effective ways necessary for the development of media persons. They were provided easy access to literature in various private and public libraries. As a result of this, they better communicated constructive results to society at a large as well as other media organizations. Moreover, the use of information technology could also helped them to share their learning methodologies and technologies with each other. During the learning of this course work, I realized that in order to enhance the level of learning of students, use of technology should be adopted. It can demonstrate more in depth understanding and operations of resources of technology. There should be devised curriculum plans equipped with advanced methods of technology that should make ensure maximization of their learning. The utilization of technology can further facilitate numerous effective evaluation and assessment strategies of

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