Eating Good or Bad Things

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Hippocrates once said:'' Let food be your medicine and your medicine is not only your food.'' So what we eat affects our body, which leads us to say that good health is a valuable asset. Today, in modern society, we do not give much importance to health. Since the mid-twentieth century, our eating habits have changed dramatically. In that it is young, we see today that they promote a diet too rich in fats and in many cases we can speak of a supply glut. In addition, young people are less and less physical activity and this adds to a bad diet affects their health and physical entities, where the prevalence of chronic diseases among young people. Obesity, diabetes, digestive disorders and bowel. So, in terms of food, excesses are as bad as deprivation and the amount must be matched to the amount. DEVELOPMENT What type of diet promotes youth? Too often we forget that our food, that is to say, what we drink and eat every day is indeed the raw material with which we build our body. In fact, the food consists of micronutrients and macronutrients that provide the proper functioning of the body. However, in today's modern society, with profound economic and social upheaval that led A fairy lifestyles, we see that the eating habits of young people have changed considerably. Young people consume too little food groups and vice versa. They consume certain foods excessive ways. Fast foods are increasingly taking among young people. Food typically high in fat, sugar, salt, chemicals and poor vegetable fiber and vitamins. For example, many young people, the type menu the burger, fries, cola and ketchup. While this type of food brings flavor and quiet, it is not good for health. In addition, many young people choose to drink 'light' type soda contain aspartame, a product harmful to the body. So we see that the contributions lack youth are mainly fruits and vegetables, dairy

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