Drug Abuse Reform: Arguments For The Legalization Of Drugs

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Drug Abuse Reform One of the major issues of today is the reform of drugs. Some people believe that all types of illegal drugs should stay illegal for the good of the community. They point out the dangers of long term drug addiction and usage. Others believe that the use of drugs should be legalized. They argue that the dangers of drugs and can limited and controlled if drugs are made legal. This has been an ongoing issue for a long time, but recently the fact that some states have passed laws legalizing marijuana has many people choosing sides. Marijuana has been legalized for medical used only in some and completely legal in Colorado and Washington (Eliza Gray, 2013). Some believe that this is a good thing, marijuana can be used to pain…show more content…
In many cases drug users are often younger adults or teenagers (Drug War Facts, 2013). They enjoy smoking it because of the risk factor. If marijuana is legalized for recreational use then some drug users would more on to more intense drugs (Matthew Elrod, 2000). Though, not all drug users are young, some adults who consumed drugs when they were younger and were unable to break their addiction as they got older and continue to ingest drugs. While some do not believe the theory that drugs are used for the risk, it is an interesting way to look at the reason people do drugs. People who are pro drugs promote that drugs, such as marijuana, are used for medical use as well as recreational use, because they enjoy the effect drugs have on them. Prohibitionists state that if drugs were legalized they would be only consumed for recreational use or to escape from reality instead of dealing with issues (Marijuana Abuse, 2012). Some prohibitionists do not even believe that drugs help in medical ways. This controversial topic is one of the reasons the drug reform is such a debated movement of today. In order for drugs to be legalized there would most likely be strict restrictions in order to keep the use of drugs somewhat safe and heavy taxation (Paul Solman,…show more content…
Both sides are fighting to be right and win. Whether drugs are legalized or stay illegal one or both sides of the argument will be unhappy, unless they come to a compromise. The recent legalization of medical marijuana in some states could be looked at as a compromise. With the compromise, marijuana is legal with the certain prescription, but still is illegal and has repercussions if used for the wrong reason. Another compromise is the decriminalization of marijuana; if someone is to be in possession of less than one ounce then it is just a misdemeanor. Though prohibitionists are still pushing to keep all harmful drugs illegal and pro drug supporters are still aiming for more laws to be passed legalizing drugs. Neither side is done fighting for their cause. In the 1920’s the eighteenth amendment establishes the prohibition of alcohol in the United States. This was a nationwide ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages (Eighteenth Amendment). The prohibition of alcohol was repealed in 1933. This is similar to the war on drugs throughout the 1980’s, 1990’s, and even today. History, as it often does, is repeating itself. This connection gives hope that the controversy between prohibitionists and anti-prohibitionists will be solved soon
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