Marijuana Legalization In California

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Final Paper 5/13/2011 Marijuana in California. The debate regarding the legalization of soft drugs such as marijuana is capable of being characterized as one which pits the concept of freedom of the individual against the concept of a paternalistic State. Advocates of legalization argue that amongst other things, marijuana is not only less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, which are legal substances, but also as a matter of fact has been proven to possess certain medicinal property. The people who support the legalization are member of law enforcement and medical professionals, who really know how ineffective and unnecessary in stance prohibitionist. In contrast, those opposed to legalization argue that the legalization of marijuana will…show more content…
They will sell to anyone, including children. Merchants who legally sell alcohol and tobacco do not sell them to children. Many high school students say that it would be easier to obtain illegal drugs than alcohol and tobacco. Another myth clung to by anti drug activists is that marijuana prohibition improves public safety. Unfortunately for them, there is no evidence that the prohibition of marijuana reduces the net social risks. In fact, States with marijuana decriminalization had lower overall drugs abuse rates and had lower accident rates than states without decriminalization. In Alaska, accident rates held constant or declined following the legalization of personal use of marijuana. Recent U.S. government statistics show that the highest rates of hard drugs abuse were in Nevada and Arizona, which are the states with the strongest marijuana laws. Marijuana legalization would have social benefits. The most obvious benefit is the reduction of alcohol and hard drugs abuse. If marijuana were more readily available, the abuse of more harmful drugs like cocaine, heroin, and PCP would decline rapidly. It would also lead to a decrease in black-market drug activity, which means less crime on the streets as a result of drug related standoffs and "turf…show more content…
Although marijuana does indeed have some harmful effects, it is no more harmful than legal substances like alcohol and tobacco. A research by the British Medical Association shows that nicotine is far more addictive than cannabis. In addition, the consumption of alcohol and the smoking of cigarettes cause more deaths per year than does the use of cannabis. The legalization of marijuana will remove an anomaly in the law whereby substances that are more dangerous than marijuana are legal whilst the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal. A Kaiser Permanente Center survey found that people who smoke marijuana-only on a daily basis have a 19% higher rate of respiratory complaints than non-smokers. Fortunately, the hazards of marijuana smoking can be reduced by various strategies such as: use of higher potency cannabis, which can be smoked in smaller quantities, use of water pipes and other smoke reduction technologies or ingesting pot orally instead of smoking it. Unlike tobacco, marijuana does not appear to cause emphysema. Tobacco tends to penetrate to the smaller, secondary passageways of the lungs, while marijuana tends to concentrate on the larger, central passageways. The only evidence that suggests any type of brain changes is that persistent deficits in short-term memory have been noted in heavy marijuana
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