Pros And Cons Of Proposition 19

1993 Words8 Pages
Hongyao Zhang Say No to Proposition 19 Introduction Proposition 19, the legalization of marijuana, is a hot topic these days. Proposition 19 is super important because if it is passed, it will have huge impacts on both society and government of California. So what exactly is Proposition 19? Proposition 19 is a California ballot proposition which was on the November 2, 2010. Proposition 19 allows people 21 years old or older to posses, cultivate, or transport marijuana for personal use. In terms of Proposition 19, people’s views differ. After examining the positive and negative effects of marijuana, I have concluded that marijuana should not be legalized and Proposition 19 should not be passed because this proposition will jeopardize and…show more content…
Legalization of marijuana enables our state government to put taxation on marijuana. As a result, if Proposition 19 is passed, it will increase California’s government annual revenue. “The state and local governments would receive sales tax revenues from the sale of marijuana. Similarly, marijuana-related businesses with net income would pay income taxes to the state. To the extent that this business activity pulled in spending from persons in other states, the measure would result in a net increase in taxable economic activity in the state” (Brown 15). Our state can not only receive income from selling marijuana, but also can make revenues from other related business activities. Making money from legalizing marijuana might be a way to assist our state to overcome the finical crisis in recent years. Legalization of marijuana can also save the cost on supervising marijuana criminals. Every year our state has to spend a large sum of money on supervising marijuana because it is illegal. But once Proposition 19 is passed, those marijuana offenders and drug traffickers will be innocent. “The measure could result in savings to the state and local governments by reducing the number of marijuana offenders incarcerated in state prisons and county jails, as well as the number placed under county probation or state parole supervision”(Brown 14). This could save California millions of dollars annually.…show more content…
Medically marijuana is sometimes helpful to heal patients. “Medical marijuana is the use of cannabis and its constituent cannabinoids such as THC as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy. The Cannabis plant from which the cannabis drug is derived has a long history of medicinal use, with evidence dating back to 2,737 BC” (Amar 2). Being able to alleviate pain, marijuana is often made into anesthetic for medical purpose. It is undeniable that if one is not long-term using marijuana, he or she will not be affect that much by it. Moreover, it sometimes can help one with his or her illnesses. That’s why even in ancient time people started to use marijuana as a sort of medicine and nowadays doctors all over the world use marijuana for medical reasons. Furthermore, our state government could weaken drug cartels by passing Proposition 19. “Caulkins calculates that anywhere from $1.5 billion to $2 billion worth of marijuana might be sold in California each year. The wholesale price per pound is below $3,000, according to locals familiar with the market” (Kolhatkar, Statistical figures shows that even though marijuana is illegal right now, there are still a number of marijuana trades going on furtively between drug cartels and normal citizens. Those drug cartels make uncountable profits every year by selling marijuana because they are the
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