Drug Abuse in Children

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Abstract In this paper I have established an essay format paper to address the issue of drug abuse of children in nature and in nurture. Articles on the internet as well as books will be used to report on the nature and nurture of drug abuse in children in the essay. It is to show the importance of how our nature (environment) and our nurture (raised) to lead children to drug abuse. Already there is a huge factor plays a role in children and drug abuse. David C. Dugdale states that drug abuse can slowly turn into dependency, due to many internal factors, including stress, emotional distress, anxiety, and depression (2010). On another note, Kristina Fiore, staff writer of Medpage Today says, drug abuse is formed by nature and nurture. There is a strong influence to drug abuse that shows the relation of both nature and nurture. There are higher risk from parents who’ve done drugs, and a high risk of drug abuse if drugs were a trend in the environment. (2012) Preventions of drug abuse are always mentioned, however the nature of it, and where the mind of if we were born to do so or if the surroundings are the ones who allow us to resort to drug abuse. We can narrow down possibilities of why there is such a high occurrence of drug abuse in children by doing this research. When people hear the phrase “drug abuse,” most people think of adults. However, recently, more and more children have been linked to drug abuse. Why do children use drugs? To satisfy their curiosities, to feel grown up, to feel rebellious, to feel good, to fit in and belong are all reasons why children may get into drugs. Alcohol and other drugs have significant health impacts on the lives of children and their families. Understanding the reasons underlying this drug abuse in children could help reduce and prevent further drug use in children. The “nature versus nurture” argument is relevant to

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