Don't Ban Books

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Don’t Ban Books, Assign Them! How many of you love to read any type of book? We live in a world full of violence, racism, and sexuality. So why are books featuring these subjects considered a taboo? Oscar Wilde once said, “The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame.” In the essa “Don’t Ban Books, Assign Them!,” Julia Omanovic says that there are lots of books that are banned in America. Many parents are strict about some books that are very violent. A lot of high school professors agree with parents these books aren't good for students. First, Omanovic states that teachers only have time to teach the classics in high school. Then, she says that teachers believe they portray such horrific behaviors that are immoral. We live in a world in which school shootings, drugs, and alcohol are rampant; therefore, professors shouldn’t teach those books in the classroom because they don't model good behavior. On the other hand, Omanovic points out in a report called Reading at Risk from the National Endowment for Arts that school districts are banning books. Instead of reading books, they’re more interested in the internet. The reports goes on to say that as more Americans lose an interest in reading the more our nation becomes "less informed, tolerant, and independent-minded." It doesn't differentiate between "moral" or "immoral" books. Omanovic's solution to the decline of reading is to eliminate all bans on literature in high school an add a couple of banned books to the curriculum to get students engaged about reading again. I agree with Omanovic’s thesis. First, reading banned books is a part of student’s growing process. Second, controversial books can help improve students’ education. Lastly, reading books contain some immoral behavior that won’t have some negative effects that people think it does. A strong point of

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