As I Lay Dying Book Banning

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Book Banning In the last hundred years, the banning of books has been done with good intentions in mind. School districts and communities think certain subjects should be censored and kept away from naïve children for their protection. However, the authors’ of these banned books wrote them as a form of expression and to help their audience gain a new perspective on life. It is doubtful that authors like Kurt Vonnegut and Earnest Hemmingway wrote their books based with the intent of corrupting their readers. So, why do school boards choose to keep such books away from children when hundreds of other people say that these books have academic value? William Faulkner, for example, is an author whose books have appeared on the banned books list and have been challenged by a number of school districts. Yet, in most advanced placement classes his works are a required read. What is it that makes books such as his cause people to ban them? The novel As I Lay Dying is one of William Faulkner’s more famous works. The novel itself has won multiple awards and has been placed on a list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century, regardless it has been challenged and subjected to banishment from multiple school districts. The first mention of banning was in August 1986 when a mother of a student claimed the novel preaches “secular humanism”, mentions abortion, and stated the God’s name in vain. Many parents and school board members in their community came to agree with this woman, even though they have never read the book in its entirety. It was forced to be removed to be removed after a school board meeting concluded it was unhealthy for children to read. To add more controversy to this novel, many people became bothered with its use of offensive phrases. Throughout the novel, one can find phrases that contain samples of vulgar language. When the text is

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