Do School Facilities Really Impact a Child's Education?

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DO SCHOOL FACILITIES REALLY IMPACT A CHILD'S EDUCATION? An introduction to the issues By John B. Lyons Learning is a complex activity that supremely tests students' motivation and physical condition. Teaching resources, teachers' skill, and curriculum -- these all play a vital role in a child's education. But what about the physical condition and design of the actual school facility itself? How do they shape a child's learning experience? Today's busy parents may never know. With most of them working, parents generally find little time to experience, much less evaluate, the physical condition of their child's school. When they do visit, often during parent-teacher's night, discussions will mostly focus on their child's learning, achievement, and progress, not on school maintenance or design issues. There are few opportunities for parents to observe a classroom or school during the school day. But it is just during this time that a significant number of students and teachers struggle with such things as noise, glare, mildew, lack of fresh air, and hot or cold temperatures. About 40 percent of our schools report unsatisfactory environmental conditions.14 News about these environmental nuisances is beginning to appear more and more in the media. And research is uncovering growing evidence showing that conditions like these and many other aspects of school facilities have a huge and often negative impact on children's educations. Aside from things like mold and mildew, superficial conditions that exist in schools often because of poor maintenance, other problems are much more systemic. One is age. The average school today at 42 years old faces demands that were never intended or even conceived when the building was built. Another problem is that education today is delivered in an entirely new manner, with new tools, techniques, and

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