Argument Against Standardized Testing

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Choose the BEST Answer for the Following Problem Barack Obama stated on February 5, 2008, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek” (Quotations). In modern day America, standardized testing is seen everywhere. These tests are introduced as early as 2nd grade. Few know, however, that these tests actually are very inaccurate in comparing students’ intelligences. Standardized tests have a horrible history and still remain a problem in today’s society; furthermore, there are more beneficial solutions out there to encourage knowledge growth. The history of standardized testing has been rocky since the start. In 1912, Henry Goddard, who…show more content…
People in poorer communities tend to face harder obstacles like a bad home life, hard economic times, and influences that push dropping out of school. These students also have to deal with old, out-of-date school supplies like textbooks-even their teachers tend to not be as qualified as teachers in wealthier school districts. Furthermore, due to standardized testing, teachers in these poorer school districts tend to teach to the test by teaching with the drill-and-kill method where kids are being taught by memorizing certain multiple choice questions and answers (Neill 29-35). Surprisingly, high-stakes test like promotion tests are the main contributors to retention of students- most of which have learning disabilities. Retention, though, has proved to not help students academically. Another astonishing factor is that the more students retained, the more likely they are going to drop out in school. Also, most adults that have been held back are more likely to end up unemployed, living off of government assistance, or in jail than the students who were not held back. All promotion tests do is widen the gap between students without learning disabilities and those that are disabled (Finn, Petrilli 80-85). Furthermore, standardized testing is not a good indicator for college students’ ability to make good grades. Standardized…show more content…
This allows for a more focused eye on subjects that will be on standardized tests like math and reading. This actually causes a less well-rounded education since teachers have to start teaching to the test. Teaching to test does not cause smarter kids, but instead causes kids to memorize certain parts of a subject while leaving out other subjects like music and art which induce creativity and independence of oneself. So instead of standardized testing, schools should make sure students have a more rounded education which will actually make the kids smarter than when drilling them for standardized tests. (“States Seeks to Block ‘No Child Left Behind’”). Even gym and recess are being reduced in schools around the United States due to teaching being pointed towards the test. This has only caused a negative effect as the number of obese children has risen. Standardized test and the NCLB Act are only harming the health of children- mentally and physically. Furthermore, United States needs to follow the following guidelines that countries more advanced in education than the United States have been following. First, the United States government needs to know that throwing money at education or changing certain aspects of education, like the common core policy, has no significant change on its own. An educational system must
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