Divisions in Athenian Society

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Divisions in Athenian Society During the 5th Century BC, in Athens, there were three main divisions in Athenian Society: the Citizens, the Metics and the Slaves. These main divisions split into more subdivisions. The three main divisions are Citizens, Metics and Slaves. The Slaves are the worst class while Metics are the second worse and Citizens are the best class. The Citizens or πολίτες were considered the best class in Athenian society. Citizens were protected by Athenian law, had the right to vote and had the right to own land. Most citizens got to be on the council of 500 and serve as the head of the council for one day. All Athenians were trained for two years as a soldier in case if Athens needed them to battle when they were older. Athenians would often buy their own armour and weapons and proudly showcase it in their house. To become an Athenian, you would need to be at least 18, be male and have parents that were both Athenian. Metics and even slaves could become citizens if they were voted to become one. Citizens were also split into four classes. At the top was the pentacosiomedimnoi or millionaires. The millionaire class was a very small class and its estates produced five hundred medimnoi or seven hundred and fifty bushels of grain a year. The second best class was the hippeis or knights. The knight class was also small. Knights could own a horse and these horses provided the cavalry for the army. The third class were the zeugitai or farmers. This class was the largest out of the four classes. The farmer class provided the army with heavy infantry. The final class was the thetes or hired labourers. Hired labourers were usually people who didn’t own land or didn’t warn enough to support a family. However, thetes were still regarded better off than the richest of the Metics. The Metics or μέτοικοι were usually migrants coming from other Greek city
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