Compare and Contrast the Values, Institution, and Actions of the City –States of Sparta and Athens.

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Compare and Contrast the values, institution, and actions of the city –states of Sparta and Athens. Athens and Sparta are Greece’s most famous city-states. They were both rivals to each other and very powerful. Sparta and Athens were different in social structure, male and female role, cultural values and government. Athens is known for their art, intellect and political influence in the western world. Spartans only valuable contribution was their military strategies. Athens and Sparta both had social classes but Sparta had a simpler social structure. The social structure of Athens consisted of numerous social classes. All free Athenian born males were citizens. The aristocrats were at the top. They owned large estates and were involved in the government. The farmers were in the middle. The low class was the craftsmen, known as the thetes. The people who were born outside of the walls of Athens were called the metics. The metics were unable to own land and vote. They could however run businesses. They had to pay takes and serve in the military. Slaves were the lowest in the social class. (Greek Social Classes) Slaves had no rights. Sparta had only 3 main classes. The Spartiates were the military leaders who ruled the barracks. Only these males that served in the military could vote. The Perioeci were the artisans, craftsmen, and merchants. Even though these males were in the army, they could not vote. The helots were serfs that consisted of people that were overtaken by Spartans military victories. These people had to give half their profits to the Spartan citizens that owned the lands they lived in. ( Spartans) The male and female roles of Sparta were vastly different compared to Athens. Male Spartans lived their lives trying to be the strongest warrior. Being a warrior was an honor and every Spartan man wanted to fight for Sparta. Male Spartan

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