Disrespecting An NCO

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Why it is a No-Go to Disrespect an NCO There are many reasons why disrespecting an NCO is a terrible idea. Throughout history the United States Military, in there inumerous engagements has depended on their senior soldiers for just about everything. From unit solidarity to making the right decisions under fire, senior enlisted and commisoned officers alike are looked at as the glue that holds the Army together. They are the shot-callers, the decision-makers, and the core of the Army that make up the big picture. Without them the Army would be an unorganized insurgency left to its own devices and anarchy would be the norm, much like in Iraq and Afganistan. Poorly trained soldiers would have the right of way, making destructive decisions…show more content…
Without it you begin to make mistakes you wouldn't normaly make, and situations can get the better of you. If you have dissention amongst the ranks, especially dissention amongst superiors and their underlings, you have a formula which invites and inevitably ends in chaos. Chaos is the number one thing you can't have in a fighting force, prepared to defend and die for country if it should come to that. Theres no way to stress enough the absolute neccesity of COHESION amongst the units in the military. If there is emotion, discrimination, hostility or destructive behavior in any of the GI's in a platoon, there is a distinct possibility that morale will be damaged and the unit becomes a high school clique, rather than the elite fighting force the United States Army is known as across the…show more content…
The importance of following direct orders cannot be emphasized enough. In the military world this is key to mission success. When an order is issued by a competent authority, it is issued with the understanding that subordinates will carry out that order, effectively and efficiently. When or where that order is issued does not take precedence on the importance of that order. The orders issued in garrison are just as important as the ones being issued in a combat zone. It is important that the order be understood and done when told to, to avoid further problems. I realize that disrespect does not alway fall under the guise of orders, however as understood by the UCMJ, disrespect and disregarding an order are one in the same so the comparison and effectively, the issue fall under the same
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