Disagreements Between America and Britain in Early Years

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Discuss the areas of disagreements between the American colonist and the British policy makers that developed during the period from 1763 through 1776. When colonists first settled in America under England's rule, they relied on and did not question England's authority. Each individual American colony had their own governor who had similar power like the king. Since they had different governors, there could have been a variety of laws and orders to follow, differing in each colony. As England tried to hold its grip on the becoming independent colonies, Britain was in need of a centralized colonial government that should have been established from the beginning. Due to the great distance between America and England and its inefficient policies, the colonies had a great deal of freedom. When Britain decided to enforce their influence and rule on America following the Seven Years War, there was many areas of disagreement that eventually lead to the American Revolution. Following the victory of the French and Indian War, Britain gained control of half of the continent by the scratch of a pen (94). Britain's national debt doubled during the course of the war and the cost of extended empire cause a dramatic increase in the cost of living. Conflicts arose between the Americans about expanding further past the Ohio Valley and Britain but England did not step in. Some English leaders thought the colonists were inferior and gave them the lowly jobs during the war; they also resented the Americans for their increasing wealth with a rapidly increasing population. Once Britain decided to "intervene more actively in American affairs" disagreement and trouble aroused; the Americans were used to their freedom and were not ready to be dictated by a ruler (97). Due to constant attacks by the Indians and the cost of keeping America under British rule, King George III
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