Develop Work Priorities

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How do you assess and evaluate your own performance? List at least two (2) techniques ● KPI's ● Feedback Name two (2) ways of obtaining feedback. ● Formal and informal performance appraisals ● Customer and client How would you investigate professional development opportunities and options available within your organisations? I must use my initiative to actively identify opportunities and sources for professional development. This means finding relevant training courses and other means of development, such as mentoring and coaching from sources within my organisation. How do you identify and prioritise personal learning needs? National competency standards and qualifications can be used to assess my own knowledge and skills and determine professional development needs and priorities. Competency standards outline the skills and abilities required for my current position. These competencies can be generic or industry specific. In order to complete your own work plans, what type of plans should you consult? ● Sales plans ● Reporting plans ● Production plans ● Budgetary plans ● Team participation plans ● Individual work plans Name two (2) relevant business technology applications used to schedule tasks and plan work and explain how you could use them. ● Project Management application Microsoft Office Project 2007 is a software application that can help me keep track of my progress. I can enter in the tasks and their duration and see when they need to be completed by to keep the project on track. I can also use the information I enter in different features within the application such as Calendar, Network diagram and Task usage. ● Spread sheet applications I can use spread sheet applications to develop my work group’s plan and to track time lines. By entering in specific dates, I can plan when tasks should be completed. If I keep track of the
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